Train your kids by training yourself in security

Train your kids by training yourself in security

Every five hours a child goes missing in South Africa, and while most children are found soon afterwards, the number of those who never come home is still too high. While safety training is a vital element of keeping your family – especially your children...
Exclusive homes, areas vulnerable to crime

Exclusive homes, areas vulnerable to crime

Every five hours a child goes missing in South Africa, and while most children are found soon afterwards, the number of those who never come home is still too high. While safety training is a vital element of keeping your family – especially your children...
Perceptions Stifle Africa’s Tourism Potential

Perceptions Stifle Africa’s Tourism Potential

Tourism UpdateAccording to this year’s forecast by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), an estimated 1.8 billion tourists are expected to travel each year over the next ten years, and Africa has the potential to welcome a substantial number of these tourists, as...
Risk Mitigation In Booking Business Travel

Risk Mitigation In Booking Business Travel

Businesses booking corporate travel for executives focus on every itinerary detail, from flights to accommodation, dinners to entertainment. But is risk mitigation considered when transfers between events are simply listed on the itinerary as “transfer by taxi” or...